Geoscience 2023 Committee

Scientific Committee

Florina Tuluca (SGAR -UB) -Chair
Dumitru Ioane (SGAR, UB-FGG) – Co-Chair

Crisan Demetrescu (Acad.- IGAR, Romania)
Constantin Ionescu (INFP, Romania)
Esther Bloem (Nibio, Norway)
Işik Veysel (AU, Turkey)
Dragana Đurić ( FMG, Serbia)
Diaconu Adrian (SGAR, Geotesting, Romania)
Lucian Petrescu (UB-FGG, Romania)
Mihaela Stanciucu (UB-FGG, Romania)
Irina Stanciu (SGAR, GeoEcoMar, Romania)
Ayşe Çaglayan (Min.E.U, Turkey)
Ilias Fikos (AUTH, Greece)
Reza Saber (AU, Turkey)

Organizing Committee

Dinescu Raluca (SGAR, INFP)- Chair
Dragos Tataru (INFP)-Co-Chair

Adrian Popa (SGAR, GeoEcoMar)
Lucica Niculae (SGAR, IGAR)
Serban Alin (IFIN‐HH)
Andreea Tolea (INFP)
Ileana Dobrescu (FG-UB)
Edi Nastase (INFP)
Ioan Munteanu (UB-FGG)
Lidia Nutu (SGAR, IGAR)
Ioana Grigore (IGAR)
Stochici Rasvan (SGAR, IGAR)
Andrei Voda (FG-UB)
Florin Pitea (GeoEcoMar)

Romanian Society of Applied Geophysics (SGAR), Faculty of Geology and Geophysics – University of Bucharest (UB-FGG), National Institute of Marine Geology and Geoecology (GeoEcoMar), Institute of Geodynamics of Romanian Academy (IGAR), National Institute for Research and Development for Earth Physics -Romania (INFP), Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO), Ankara University (AU), Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation, Turkey (Min.E.U), Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, Serbia (FMG), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN‐HH), Faculty of Geography – University of Bucharest (FG-UB)