Urban Geophysics – edition I
Urban Geophysics -Edition I had the thematic “Hands-on learning for geoelectrical methods: data acquisition & processing”
11.04.2024 Methodology of geoelectrical survey and HSSE for field activity
12.04.2024 Field Activity -measurements execution for Electrical Resistivity Tomography
18.04.2024 Field data processing and interpretation
Urban Geophysics I was organized by the Romanian Society of Applied Geophysics & SEG Bucharest Student Chapter (affiliated with the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics at the University of Bucharest), in partnership with Geotesting.
Find out more about our event on LinkedIN page.
Organizing team: Florina Tuluca (FGG-UB & SGAR) , Daria Maciuca (FGG-UB & BSC-SEG), Ana Suditu (FGG-UB & BSC-SEG), Rasvan Stochici (IGAR & SGAR)
with the support of Adrian Diaconu (GEOTESTING & SGAR)