Earth Science and Environmental Services Based on Research Data and Products
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Earth and environmental science data, data products, and services are used by researchers in many scientific fields, planning and decision-making professionals, educators and students at all levels of education, and the general public.
The workshop focuses on presenting the NIEP’s recent directions and opportunities in the broader field of Earth Science and aims to bring together researchers, educators, and students in the fields of seismology, geophysics, civil engineering, and others with a general interest in using Earth and environmental science data, data products and services.
Part A : PREVENT platform – a geophysical and environmental sensors-based service for building monitoring for seismic risk mitigation
Presented by:
B. Grecu, A. Tiganescu, O. Jianu, S. Radulescu, C. Neagoe, D. Tataru, D. Toma-Danila, C. Ionescu
National Institute of Earth Physics -Romania
This talk gives an insight into the first online service in Romania – PREVENT platform – to provide support and a means to process and visualize data from building monitoring systems. The platform can generate applicative products based on seismological research and sensor monitoring (e.g., seismic, weather, interferometric radar), enhancing the safety and security of the urban environment against earthquake disasters – with the potential for adding other types of hazards. The beneficiaries of this platform are diverse, from building managers and engineers to teachers and students.
We present the PREVENT platform’s latest developments in sensor monitoring, data processing, and practical activities related to data handling and processing. We also discuss its role in various risk reduction actions before, during, and after a devastating earthquake.
Part B: New opportunities in Earth Science thematic services
Presented by:
D. Tătaru, B. Grecu, E. Năstase, C. Ionescu, A. Craiu, C. Neagoe
National Institute of Earth Physics -Romania
This part is dedicated to the latest NIEP projects that aim at strengthening the development of and access to Earth Science data, products, and services. We will present, highlight and discuss the course of the national initiative in support of the EPOS-RO project – “SETTING – Integrated thematic services in the field of Earth observation – a National platform for innovation” and how the upgrading of research infrastructures of national interest through a structural project (“CRESCENTO – Increasing the research capacity in seismology and engineering seismology at the Seismological Observatories and Stations of the National Seismic Network”) can improve the cooperation between Research institutes and universities, the provision of the services in the field of Earth Science and the fostering the participation in research infrastructures at European level as well as in national and European projects.
For more about this check this webpage: ILP-GEOSCIENCE 2022