4-5 October 2022
A two-day field trip dedicated to the active tectonics, geomorphology, structure, and evolution of the SE Carpathians (along Buzau and Putna valleys), including the link with the deep lithospheric evolution of the Vrancea area, will be organized on 4-5 October 2022. We propose an interesting and challenging journey into the SE Carpathians Bend Zone natural laboratory. Here we can observe the interaction between the surface evolution shaping the landscape like river incision, landslides, or “anomalous” catchment areas and deep lithospheric processes responsible for the uplift observed in the fold and thrust belt associated with coeval subsidence in the foreland Focsani Basin and intermontane basins such as Brasov or Tg. Secuiesc.
Guides: Lect. Dr. Ioan Munteanu, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics
Minimum participants: 17
This field trip is offered only for participants at the ILP & Geoscience 2022
Interesting in Booking a place, click here
Contact person: Ioan Munteanu