Field Trip -Salt Mine
8 October 2022
Here, in Romania, we are deeply concerned about hazards and we do spend a lot of time trying to figure out the mystery of the Vrancea Seismic area. You will notice this during the presentations that will unfold along the 2 days of the technical programme of the ILP & GEOSCIENCE2022 joint event. And we won’t stop after this. Thus, we invite you to join us on a trip in which we are going to talk about hazards from different perspectives.
Our one-day tour is going to take you on a journey that includes a descent down to 208m so you can analyze the internal structure of a salt body. After this, we are going to make a stop along an old and picturesque Wine Road, used since antiquity by Roman merchants.
The mine gallery open for visitors unveils salt folds of tens of meters, marked by alternating bands of various colors, with shades of gray and white, and various mineralogical characteristics (structure, texture, mode of crystallization). There are 14 trapezoidal rooms, 10 meters wide at the ceiling, 32 meters wide at the bottom, and 54 meters in height.
This field trip is offered only for participants at the ILP & Geoscience 2022
Interesting in Booking a place, click here